Rock Island Arsenal and Museum

IMG_0504 - Copy     The Rock Island Arsenal and Museum….Yes I know it has an Illinois street address and this is a travelogue about Iowa attractions, but it doesn’t take mass quantities of rationalization to claim an island in the Mississippi as part of my tour. After all I toured the island town of Sabula and not a peep from any of you, so permit me this slight aberration as I describe my interesting trip to the Rock.IMG_0510 - Copy

Visiting the arsenal does not start as if you are going for a garden stroll.No… You must state the purpose of your visit and present identification if you wish to explore this attraction.Apparently they have things there that affect national security..I’m just guessing!!So I told the guard I wished to visit the museum and he directed me in the right direction. Little did I realize that the whole island is a museum with bits and pieces of historical significance sprinkled throughout.The one exception is the presence of a fine 18 hole golf course(I want to go back!!) that occupies most of the space  not utilized by the military.

The museum itself is a showcase of the Arsenal’s production capabilities dating all the way back to the Civil War.As you enter the display are the enormity and diversity of weaponry on display is overwhelming! In addition to  the production of artillery etc,the factories here turned out many essential pieces of field gear that could not be produced by private enterprise and many unique items are on display.

IMG_0475 - CopyAnother lesser known fact is that Rock Island served as a Union Army’s prison camp for Confederate soldiers almost 12,000 troops by the war’s end.Though the camp was destroyed , a poignant reminder of this is the presence of a Confederate cemetery with almost 600 graves a lesser mortality rate than the South’s Andersonville, but still!! T he Arsenal is also the home to a large National Cemetery which presents  a very solemn and impressive sight.

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I am glad that I allowed myself a slight deviation in my single-minded purpose as I crossed over the Mississippi bridge to visit this unique Quad City attraction. Hopefully I have armed  you with enough information to want to visit.EARCORN(4)


  1. I remember when I went to the Arsenal and it was a very interesting trip. I saw a lot of cool things there as well.


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