Personal Computer Historical Exhibit(DMACC)-W. Des Moines

   My extended tour of Iowa over 6 years means that I have had a chance to see many major attractions in this great state. As the tour stretches on ad infinitum the scope of my travels sometimes ventures toward the obscure…For instance did you know there was a place in Iowa that celebrates the history of the “personal computer”?Such is the case on the DMACC campus in West Des Moines.As the personal computer has evolved into I-Pads,Android  Smart phones , Ultra-thin laptops and many other exciting possibilities,it is interesting to reflect and reminisce how far we’ve come in a relatively short time!!If you are one who has been affected by the personal computer and  by virtue of being able to read this,you are,then take a walk down a 40 gig memory lane at the PC Historical Exhibit in West Des Moines just off I-35 South at the Grand Ave exit. Might be quicker if you took a car or bus!!


One comment

  1. im a middle schooler at grundy center i think this is an amazing place because without tech i couldnt talk on email


Iowa...It's our state what are you thinking??